Friday, May 24, 2013

Trees on Batiks

 In a stack of projects was this pieced, layered and partially quilted quilt, "Batik Squares".
 A perfect beginning for a tree quilt!
I sketched some designs, cut out some patterns, and pinned patterns and pieces to the quilt.
 Originally, I planned for all green trees.
By the time the tree pieces were cut from fabric, other colors crept into the trees.
 As the trees were appliqued onto the quilt they began to sway and dance.
 With the trees applied and more quilting added, the quilt was bound.
 Its label was added, completing the quilt... 
so I thought, 
until the quilt, hanging on the design wall, beckoned 
and asked for the addition of the band of little trees in the center of the quilt
as in the initial design.
Unlike the initial design, I chose to make these trees from wool.
The wool I chose from a collection of wool scrap bundles purchased from Errin Rissberger at Quilting Acres
"Trees on Batiks"

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