I noticed that the handout has a typo in its title: It should read "Embellished Fabric and Button Flowers".
One question asked in class was:
What should I do if I want to use a button for the center of a button flower that has a shank that is deeper than the depth of the petal buttons?
I have found that it helps to have a layer or two of (scrap) quilt batting under the buttons when I glue the flower together.
The techniques I used on my samples for beading on fabric with needle and thread I learned from Betty Blais of Embellishment Village in a class at A Common Thread and from Mary Stori's books.
The techniques I use for embellishing with wire and beads I adapted from jewelry wireworking techniques. I learned wireworking basics at a local bead store and use Mark Lareau's book All Wired Up: Wire Techniques for the Beadworker and Jewelry Maker (Beadwork How-To series) as my primary reference. The class samples were made with various gauges of wire - I most often use 20, 22 and 24 gauge wire.
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